L – Wait, do that again, say their name.
J – Who? Luis?
L – Luis, when you say Luis your face lights up!
J- Oh woow, you are so right… Luis… I smile… but… Luis doesn’t exist…
L- Exactly, so tell me more about Luis.
J – Well, Luis is a guy who understands the value of life and the power of creation, has a stable job in their city with the which he pays his bills and feels free, goes to a filmclub where he meets very interesting others who also observe reality intensively, he loves film making and writes, and rejoys from observing love-life happening in front of their eyes. He is also a good person.
L- Luis is you.
A drop of water touches the flat inmutable surface, the first circle arrises, it will be th opening of a what will be a consecuence of water rings opening into the endless darkness of the subconsciuos.
J – … you are so right. The emotion is fading away…