L- The only reason of binarity is genetic reproduction.
J- People that are binary, would they have their way of loving affected by it?
L- People who think this way find homosexualoty as a sickness. In their minds it is not able to cope with their idea that it could be different. A lot of people do not have intense feelings they have more like habits, one of them is to have sex. The society says you have to be binary, you need a binary partner and you must have only one. This is to the capitalistic confirmation society, super dangerous for people like you. If people where like you, the capitalist system would not work at all, because no one would force themselves to do what they don’t want. If you are not behaving the way they want you feel decapitated (“Sierva” from my Implosion series), you feel dead. No, you are defending your soul. You are trying to survive, not to be distroyed, not to be reduced to a functional part, femane reproductive parts, one that is happy when a guy smiles at the recongnicing her usable fuctions. Male like this are made to surpress woman. So, please, don’t implode, there is no reason, do not take in the pain. Don’t turn into a part of the system. Your unique caracter is in danger.
J- I hear you and I follow as you say. So, burnout happens when we let the system come too far into us. The thing is… Implosion gave colours to Ciudad Automática. Before it I was painting mainly black and white and sorts of gray colours. After implosion, CA gained colours, although colours in Implosion looked fantastic, until one could really observe the image, the image was a nightmare. Apart from this, CA was the excercise of looking through my own eyes. Someone called josefina that pained to be treated as a woman. Yesterday I was on my bike going to Peseo’s place for dinner with my friend Josefina, a real one, flesh and bones, also an artist, also from Argentina, also my age, algo on a freeelancer artist visa in Berlin, and renews this visa on my same month, fate, our friend Paloma introduced us. I wanted Juan to meet her, don’t as me why. On my way there, I was doinf the excerside of looking through my own eyes, the picture mooving backwards, hiding behind me. Nothing interesting, just flat. And then I thought “Now, look at the image as someone who is inside a female body, feeling the pain of it’s oppresion”. Then the image exploted in meaning.

Me quede con la pregunta: ¿Cómo expresar al mundo desde los ojos de una persona no binaria? Eso era ciudad automatica. Josefina no tenía genero, quizás lo tuvo antes del accidente, si es que antes de los 2 años se puede definir el género, esa conección se perdió para siempre, neurológicamente hablando, o no estuvo nunca.

Mi mejor amiga, Mandarina, me recordó cuando empecé a transicionar en Berlín, me lo dijo con amor y recibiéndome bien: “Jo, cuando en el colegio te decíamos Jose te enojabas, no querías y nos decías “No soy un hombre”, y eso, en ese contexto, era muy extraño, pero para mí tiene sentido”.

L- I need to help you not to implode. Implosion gives me a full image of the amount of pain you where going through as “a woman”.

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